Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More games

When this picture was taken, the official temperature was 105, a record high for all time for our town. We doubt the accuracy of this thermometer, but it was high noon under the full sun on our deck, and 110+ was certainly a plausible temperature. It's really hot!

In these pictures, from last weekend, Mike and Rowdy are playing another one of their games. Mike is telling Rowdy to stay, and Rowdy will not move one whit until Mike releases him - AFTER Mike has thrown the ball. heh heh heh. Rowdy stands there and watches the ball fly, eager to get it. Then Rowdy brings it right back to Mike, eager to play again...and again...and again. This is extremely exciting to a ball-crazed dog, and Rowdy loves to launch himself after the ball as soon as Mike gives him the release word. They both enjoy their game of teamwork and suspense.

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