Sunday, November 18, 2007

T-giving prep

We had such a nice weekend...I'm not sure why; it just was very nice. The leaves are dropping now tho a good number are still hanging on. We're just past peak color now and it has been a beautiful year - a very golden year. Temps are still a little high for my tastes, but as long as the daytime highs stay below 80 with cool nights, I can be happy.

The fridge and freezer and pantry are stocked with food for the big meal. We're not doing anything elaborate this year - just the basic dinner. Then, it's get started with the Christmas decorating and pull out the Christmas dishes!

I'm wrapping up a baby sweater I've been knitting. It is SO cute!! The wow factor is huge with all these cables; it's like a little mini-aran cardigan. I'll post a picture soon, here and on my knitting blog at I just love it when I find a free pattern (this is Trellis from that is so well-written and produces such a beautiful result.

We are looking ahead to next year and planning to get back into dog competition in a big way. I'm hoping I can find a show a month for us to enter. We're setting goals and reviewing the calendar.

Christmas events, revolving around dog groups of course, are starting to get scheduled. The Greenville Kennel Club does a very nice dinner that we are looking forward to attending at a charming and delicious restaurant in Greenville's West End. We are still waiting on Speedy Paws' announcement for the annual party, and Footloose in the Carolinas, the freestyle group, has a little party at their December meeting - with dogs attending, of course. Paws 2 Care, our therapy dog group, is making plans for a social event after the new year.

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