Tuesday, June 5, 2007


We are waiting:

For Billy Donovan to wrap up all the Magic and return to the GATOR NATION!! CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP What a roller-coaster he's had us all on! Mike and I follow the story all day, and compare notes at night. It's looking like it's all over now but the shouting. Can't wait to get this over with so we can on building NCAA basketball history at the University of Florida!!

For our dog training class to start back. We took a month's hiatus in May and start back next Monday night. We're taking Advanced Competition Obedience - doesn't that sound impressive??? Only until you see me and my dog!!! LOL!! Then you wouldn't be so impressed. I guess this is why my Atlanta teacher has us planning to enter the Novice ring late this year - how long can we train for Novice before we actually enter the ring? I think we might be working on a record. Sigh. At some point, I guess you have to stop obessing over perfect (particularly when you're a long way from it) and just aim to put the title on the dog so you can move up. And now that we see how much more fun the Open level is than the Novice level....well, I'll let you in on a secret: I LOVE to complain about how hard obedience is to train, or to learn how to train, or both - I'm not sure.....but actually, it is really, really cool when you and your dog do this dance of precision and teamwork well enough to meet the qualifying standard. Rowdy loves to train obedience because it's so mental. He loves to think, and to work as a team. Obedience offers that in spades. Mike is also looking forward to reclaiming Bachelor night.

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