Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ups and downs

We had a great week last week, and enjoyed both our classes. We ran a particularly challenging Rally course on Thurday night and that was a ball!

We visited the Happy Cow Creamery on Saturday, and took Mother along. It was a really nice drive out there and we discovered several alternate routes along familiar country roads. We look forward to more visits, and eating their delicious cheeses.

Rowdy caught a stomach virus, and in the examination, the vet discovered he has also been eating more cat poop and would soon be sick from that. Since Tillie is also known for this disgusting backyard passtime, we need to run in a sample on her, too. We had a sick Rowdy on our hands yesterday, but today he has turned a corner. I'll be back at work tomorrow. Our vet offers medical day care, so your sick pet can be watched over during a workday, but I prefer to stay home if possible and do the nursing and supervision myself. I can't get too much done, since I have to stay in one place to keep Rowdy from getting a day's worth of exercise following me around. If I stay in one place, he'll snooze and I can be sure he's not taking a turn for the worse.

Meanwhile, I'll pulling Rowdy's entry for the show on Sunday. I want my dog to think that going to a show is ALWAYS one of the funnest things in the world to do. It doesn't matter how well we do - the most important thing is to have fun doing it together. A dog can't have as much fun if he's not feeling really good - shows are very exciting for everyone involved.

No pictures today - I'm running a little short on sleep. Ancestry.com is about as addicting as crack cocaine, and that' s not helping at all either.

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