Friday, October 5, 2007

Whew - a blink and September ended

Fall is breaking through here now. A few trees are turning but nothing dramatic. Finally we got an inch of rain yesterday.

October has a vacation scheduled in it - with two day trips to the mountains for leaf-peeking. The rest of the vacation will be spent doing large projects around the house. Mike is going to work on the yard (we live in an area where neither Northern nor Southern grasses thrive) and I think he's going to work on the garden fence. I guess the front porch, with it's peeling paint, will wait another year.....I'm not sure how much longer I can hold off on calling the painters so he can enjoy the porch renovation he's been postponing uhhhhhh, I mean to say, wanting to do. I'm planning on drawing the line sometime during the second decade of annual postponements. And the Fiber Fair is in Asheville. I have a day trip planned for the first day when it opens with a friend who is a major knitter. She works as a paramedic, so when she's not out on a call, she knits at the firehouse.

Mostly I'm just glad I made it through Sept, which was like a marathon of events. I wrapped it up with a board meeting of the statewide paralegal association, and was happy to turn the page on my calendar.

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